Please feel free to contact us with any comments, questions, concerns, news, tidbits or spam at or at the individual email addresses listed below. If you have heard of any Georgia film production news that you think should be shared on our page, we'd love to hear it.

Founder, Co-Editor, Casey Affleck Impersonator
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Cameron McAllister has been rarely blogging for years at a variety of personal outlets. As his occasional posts stopped revolving around his boring life and begun focusing on the films he watched, he decided to transition into running a site more exclusively dedicated to film, awards and his great state. Truly devoted to Georgia, Cameron is a hybrid of a geography nerd and a film nerd. He is 28 years-old and holds BA in Geographic Information Science from Kennesaw State University, where he also minored in Film. Currently, Cameron works as the Marketing Director for the Atlanta Film Festival. And just for the record—he didn't mean to see "Silver Linings Playbook" nine times, it just happened.
Co-Editor, Honestly Not Even A Little Bit Russian
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Lucy was raised to respect great cinema. She was eight years old when her dad sat her down, reminded her not to repeat any bad words, to keep quiet, and to pay attention to "The Last of the Mohicans." Since then she's developed fierce love for editing, thrifting, traveling, and craft beer. Perpetual dabbler and wannabe farmer, Lucy has contributed to Reel GA since 2013. Lucy contributes to the Atlanta Film Festival's Marketing team when she's not in Alaska. Her spirit movie is "Beasts of the Southern Wild."

Contributor, Word Machine
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Ali Coad loves stories. Like really, really loves them. It’s a fat, buttery, smile-without-knowing-it kind of love. In fact, while receiving her undergraduate degree at the University of Georgia (go Dawgs), she made it her business to study stories, graduating with her BA in Literature and Creative Writing in 2011. In the three years since graduating, she’s worked many jobs in the media and film industries, reading and watching as much as she can along the way. Ali's excited to put both of those skills to use here at Reel Georgia.
Christo Stevens
Contributor, Young Leonardo DiCaprio-a-like
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Nick knew from an early age that he enjoyed film. Sure, the other kids wouldn't enjoy themselves, but it was HIS birthday party and he wanted to watch "Apocalypse Now." Nick loves meeting new people, binge watching TLC shows and ordering chicken fingers at seafood restaurants. He is currently pursuing a BA in Communications with minor in Film. He is a generous tipper and has yet to forget how to ride a bike. Nick has been a contributing writer for Reel Georgia since 2013. Also he thinks Tom Cruise gets a bad wrap and "Toy Story 2" is criminally underrated.
Contributor, Future President of Everything
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Calvin has always had a deep admiration for film. The stories they tell, the impacts they make, and the influences they have—it is nothing short of extraordinary. He has been a contributing writer for Reel Georgia since 2015 and regularly helps screen film submissions for the Atlanta Film Festival in his spare time. Calvin is a proud Georgia Tech graduate with a B.S. in Business Administration and a Certificate in Film Studies. He currently works for Nebo, a digital marketing agency in Atlanta, as a Paid Media Specialist.
Other Contributors
Alexis Ahlzadeh
Brent Costin
Christopher Escobar
Jessica Hinckle
Savannah Holcomb
Christina Humphrey
Christina Nicole
Jamie Traner